Jul 15, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

Love this and can relate to the whirlwind of finally experiencing “it” and then losing (in the absence of a more appropriate word) it so quickly. I hope this isn’t the end for you and M, but for now, I hope this reignites your faith in great guys and amazing chemistry, and that you are deserving. You are worthy.

Thank you for reminding me that I am, too.

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

Beautifully written. Beautifully lived. You gave yourself a wonderful gift ; cherish it. There will be others. One will be forever.

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did I just read a novella? that was absolutely stunning writing, sarah. and made me miss being single in the most twisted way. my best writing came from my days of hopelessness and almost-love. soak it up because one day, you will meet the guy and you’ll feel very boring LOL

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

wow, what a whirlwind! with potential to go international. I like when you right about feeling like you’ve left your body and you’re watching from outside, I feel like that a lot too. Very movie-like. But it was real! I hope you hear from him again, but if you don’t, there’s no denying that he saw your sparkle and (better yet) so did you!

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

So beautifully written. I couldn’t stop reading. What an amazing experience you had with M. I do hope it’s not the end for you two and that you both keep in touch. But if it is, the universe has shown you that you are worthy of love. This is just a preview that there’s more to come. Thank you for sharing your wonderful apartment, your life in NYC and your stories with us.

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

What a beautiful essay, and you capture the feelings and the details so well. I really enjoyed reading it--bravo!

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Jul 16, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

This is so beautiful, I teared up a bit at the end! It’s hard to go openly into something you know from the start has a quick expiration date, so I love how vulnerable and mindful you were able to be. You deserve all this and so much more, Sarah! ❤️ Thank you for sharing this experience with us!

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Jul 15, 2022Liked by Sarah Jacobson

That. Was. So. Wonderful.

It looks you savored every moment in wonderful detail.

The way you described how you have felt wrong in your life, hit home!

Enjoy all of the feels…. Loosely….. and they will come back! You know what you should expect AND accept❤️

Love your writing and sharing✌🏻

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